Past Announcement (29 Jun 2022) Daily 1 hour shodai in the month of July and cancellation of extra sessions of Kosenrufu Chanting & Oko Ceremon
Past Announcement (26 Mar 2022) Easing of Covid-19 safe management measures and expansion of Kaimyo-in seat capacity
Past Announcement (12 Nov 2021) The number of seats to attend Morning and Evening Gongyo at Kaimyo-in will be increased from 50-100 seats.
Past Announcement (29 December 2021) Expanded seating capacity for New Year Gongyo in-person sessions.
Past Announcement (23 Oct 2021) Oeshiki Ceremony will be conducted from 8 to 14 Nov, Daily gongyo session slots remain at 50
Past Announcement (05 Oct 2021) Kaimyo-in temple will be closed from 6 - 14 Oct 2021 and reopen from 15 October 2021
Past Announcement (29 September 2021) Oko sessions on 4 to 9 Oct cancelled, to be held via livestream on 10 Oct
Past Announcement (26 September 2021) From 27 Sep onwards, Kaimyo-in has new guidelines for believers above 60 years old and below 12 years old, in accordance to updates given by MCCY
Past Announcement (23 September 2021) Number of session slots to reduce from 150 to 50 from 27 Sep onwards
Past Announcement (22 September 2021) Kaimyo-in has added new guidelines in response to the increasing Covid-19 cases
Past Announcement (17 September 2021) Oeshiki Ceremony to move from Oct to Nov (Monday, 8 Nov to Sunday, 14 Nov)
Past Announcement (08 August 2021) Kaimyo-in to reopen from 16 Aug to fully vaccinated believers only
Past Announcement (20 July 2021) Believers to be completely vaccinated for 14 days, before entering Kaimyo-in's premises
Past Announcement (27 June 2021) Guidelines for Kaimyo-in online and in-person activities for July 2021
Past Announcement (13 June 2021) Launch of new revamped NSBA Website for believers to access useful resources
Past Announcement (12 June 2021) Kaimyo-in to reopen from 14 June to 5 pax per zone for each Gongyo and Shodaikai
Past Announcement (08 June 2021) Kaimyo-in to remain closed until 13 June in line with government policy