Your Pathway to True Happiness What is True Happiness and how can one achieve True Happiness? Read on for our perspective, and practical steps for how you can get started.
About Nichiren Shoshu Nichiren Shoshu was founded on April 28, 1253, when Nichiren Daishonin declared the establishment of the teaching of “Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo”, the essence of the Lotus Sutra...
About Kaimyo-in Kofuzan Kaimyo-in is where believers in Singapore gather and carry out their faith and religious activities relating to Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism.
About Us - Men's Division Kaimyo-in Men's Division provides a nurturing environment to engage in spiritual growth, community service, and camaraderie. Our aim is to foster a sense of brotherhood among believers and deepen their understanding and application of Buddhist principles in daily life.
About Us - Women's Division At Kaimyo-in, we believe in the power and potential of women from all walks of life. Our Women's Division is a vibrant community that nurtures faith in the Gohonzon, provides fellowship and support, and empowers women to use their gifts and talents to impact the people around them.
About Us - Senior Division The senior division aims to organize activities for believers in their golden years, to encourage them to strengthen their faith and practice, participate in Kaimyo-in’s activities and to do shakubuku compassionately to repay their debt of gratitude.
About Us - Youth Division Kaimyo-in's supportive and energetic Youth Division enables youth believers to journey through the myriad of milestones in life together.
About Us - Children and Young Parents' Division Providing children with an environment where they can learn about Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism through fun and engaging activities, and a community of support for parents to navigate the tumultuous paths of parenthood, with Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism as our core.
Special Exhibition on the 800th Anniversary of the Advent of Nichiren Daishonin In commemoration of the 800th Anniversary of the Advent of Nichiren Daishonin, this exhibition was organised with the the purpose of introducing to as many people in the world as possible, Nichiren Daishonin's life and teachings