Past Announcement (20 July 2021)

Believers to be completely vaccinated for 14 days, before entering Kaimyo-in's premises

Announcement on 20 July 2021:

In view of the fast-changing Covid-19 situation in Singapore and the safety of all Kaimyo-in believers, with effect from Morning Gongyo of 22nd July 2021,

  1. Believers who attend gongyo, shodaikai or visit Kaimyo-in for any reason, must have fully completed their 2nd dose of Pfizer/Moderna vaccines for at least 2 weeks, to be admitted into Kaimyo-in's premises.
  2. The above announcement overrides the previous announcement made on 19 July 2021 and applies to all believers, regardless of age group.

The above guideline is subject to changes at any time in compliance with prevailing government policy.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Believers who are interested to attend Gongyo and Shodaikai sessions in person may book a seat at

For believers who are unable to secure a seat, you are warmly encouraged to continue joining Gongyo and Shodaikai via Facebook livestream.

Detailed breakdown of livestream schedule can be found here.