Past Announcement (19 July 2021)

Update to temple visitation policy in response to MOH guidelines

Announcement on 19 July 2021:

In response to the latest guidelines from MOH, we are changing our criteria for visitation to Kaimyoin:

  1. Believers over 60 years old will be allowed for visitation to Kaimyoin only if they have completed two vaccinations
  2. Believers from the age of 12 to 59 will be allowed to visit the Kaimyoin only if they have completed at least one vaccination
  3. Believers from the age of 0 to 11 are not eligible for vaccination, thus are not encouraged to visit Kaimyoin

Those who have not been vaccinated for any reason, especially those who are over 60 years old, are strongly encouraged to complete the vaccination as soon as possible.

Children are encouraged to attend the online monthly children activity during this period.

The above guideline is subject to changes at any time in compliance to government policy.

Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.

Believers who are interested to attend Gongyo and Shodaikai sessions in person may book a seat at

For believers who are unable to secure a seat, you are warmly encouraged to continue joining Gongyo and Shodaikai via Facebook livestream.

Detailed breakdown of livestream schedule can be found here.