Thriving families are the core and foundation of Kaimyo-in's present and future. As we put our head, heart and hands toward making Kaimyo-in the happiest place in Singapore, it is essential that we provide a safe and nurturing space for both children and young parents to grow together with us.
As the saying goes, "It takes a village to raise a child". And that cannot be more true in today's day and age, where many parents face a multitude of challenges in keeping up with the pace and demands of both the workplace, family, and full-time job of nurturing their children.
Children are likewise growing up in an increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world, and are faced with challenges that even their parents may not have met in their lifetimes.
How then do we ensure they are able to navigate the complex road that lies ahead?
Join us, as we uncover the greatest gift that parents can give to their children so they may thrive even in such environments! At the same time, we also welcome all young parents to join us in cultivating your individual faith and practice, so we may continue sharing this gift that will keep giving.
Children Division
Kaimyo-in's Children Division seeks to provide children with an environment where they can learn about Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism through fun and engaging activities.
Tailored for children aged 3 to 12 years old, our programmes include monthly children activities and annual immersion camps (kenshu), where children have the opportunity to study Buddhism and build precious and lasting friendships.
It is our goal to build a supportive community, for our children to find it second nature to turn to the Gohonzon, and to remember the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin both in good times and bad.
Children will also have opportunities to participate in meaningful Nichiren Shoshu ceremonies such as the Mokushi-e Ceremony and Setsubun-e Ceremony, and build wonderful core memories together while keeping our traditions alive.
Nichiren Daishonin reveals in the Gosho, “Oko Kikigaki”:
"The enlightenment of the father and mother is the children’s enlightenment. The children’s enlightenment is the parents’ enlightenment." (Gosho, p.1825)
Young Parents Group
The Young Parents Group was borne out of the Covid-19 lockdown when parents were faced head-on with one of the most difficult jobs in the world — raising young children within the confines of their homes. It seeks to provide a community of support for parents to navigate the tumultuous paths of parenthood, with Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism as our core.
The Young Parents Group aspires to become a strong community of mothers and fathers. We conduct activities both in-person and online to discuss pertinent topics relating to parenthood, and how best we can inculcate and pass on our faith to our children in the spirit of "Hotto Sozoku (法统相续)". It also serves as a safe space for parents to find support in each other, and cultivate friendships in the temple (zenchishiki).
Typically held in conjunction with Children Activities, parents may participate in Young Parents Activities while their children are enjoying fun-filled activities organised by the Children Division in the same compounds.
On the bond between parent and child, Nichiren Daishonin states in the Gosho “Letter to Jakunichi-bo”:
“It is destiny that they should have been my parents, and I, their child.” (Gosho, p.1393 )
Keen to join our activities? Do visit this page where details of our upcoming division activities are updated on a monthly basis.
New to Nichiren Shoshu and interested to find out more? Do reach out to us here so we can assist you directly!