Upcoming Ceremonies

Upcoming Ceremonies

Join us for upcoming ceremonies conducted at Kaimyo-in

Kosen-rufu Shodai

Date: 3 August 2024 (Sat)
Time: 530 pm

Date: 4 August 2024(Sun)
Time: 10 am

What is kosen-rufu?

The objectives of our faith are to attain Buddhahood in our position as common mortals and to transform the saha world into the entity of the Mystic Law, the Land of Eternally Tranquil Light, through embracing and practising the Three Great Secret Laws of Nichiren Daishonin. Our efforts in steadily advancing towards these objectives represent the attainment of enlightenment.

As more and more people aspire to attain Buddhahood not only in Japan but in every corner of the world, the Buddha land will naturally take form. This process is called Kosen-rufu. As we ceaselessly progress towards attaining this objective, we can establish the life condition of limitless joy within our lives.

Extracted from “The Great Objective of Kosenrufu (World Peace)”, A Lesson from the Sermon Rock, Sermons & Homilies (Part 2), Nichiren Shoshu Monthly February 1995, Kaimyo Magazine Issue 24

Oko Ceremony

Date: 10 August 2024 (Sat)
Time: 11 am

Date: 10 August 2024 (Sat)
Time: 5 pm

Date: 11 August 2024(Sun)
Time: 10 am

Significance of the Oko Ceremony

“Ko” of Oko means to recite the sutra in reverence for the Gohonzon and our founder, Nichiren Daishonin and furthermore, to give a lecture on the doctrines and the sutras to repay the debts of gratitude. In Nichiren Shoshu, the priest conducts kenzen ceremony, recites the sutra and chants Daimoku to the Gohonzon enshrined in the main hall of the local temple. He then reads the Daishonin’s Gosho and gives a lecture on how one should practise his/her faith.

It is stated in “Letter to Niike” (Niike gosho):

“No matter what, be close to the priest who knows the heart of the Lotus Sutra, keep learning from him the truth of Buddhism and continue your journey of faith.”

(Gosho, p. 1457 MW-1, p.255)

As this passage teaches, it is important for one to visit the priest who knows the Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo of the Three Great Secret Laws, the basis of the Life Span chapter of the Lotus Sutra. In other words, one should visit his/her chief priest at the local temple and learn about the profundity of Buddhism and deepen his/her faith.

Furthermore, based on such faith, devoting oneself to the propagation of the True Law is itself repaying the debts of gratitude to the Daishonin. This will lead to one’s faith to an attitude of appreciation of the Gohonzon on a daily basis.

Extracted from “The Benefits of the Gohonzon and the Faith of Repaying Debts of Gratitude”, 2008 Summer Study Tozan, Kaimyo Magazine Issue 38

Urabon-e Ceremony

Date: 16 August 2024 (Fri)
Time: 2 pm & 7 pm

Date: 17 August 2024 (Sat)
Time: 8 am, 1 pm & 5 pm

Date: 18 August 2024(Sun)
Time: 8 am, 11 am & 3 pm

The Significance of the Urabon-e Ceremony

The Urabon-e Ceremony performed in memory of the deceased is based upon the contents of the “Urabon Sutra”. It relates how Venerable Maudgalyayana, one of Shakyamunit’s disciples, also known as the foremost in clairvoyant power, saved his mother, who had fallen into the world of hunger for a period of five hundred lifetimes because of karmic retribution for her greed and stinginess. He followed an instruction of Shakyamuni and offered food and drinks to many priests on the 15th day of the seventh month. As a result, he saved his mother.

“Ura” of Urabon is a Sanskrit word, “ullam” which means “the agony of being hung upside down”. It is a metaphor for the suffering of starvation and thirst that one undergoes in the world of Hunger. The misery in the world of Hunger is likened to being hung upside down. ‘Bon’ is also a Sanskrit word, ‘bana’ which means a tray or vessel of food to ease the suffering. In other words, Urabon is a ceremony to relieve the deceased of their suffering in the three evil paths and lead them to the state of enlightenment by making an offering to the Three Treasures.

Extracted from “The Significance of the Urabon Ceremony”, Kaimyo Magazine Issue 37

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