As the rain cleared and made way for a lovely cooling morning on August 24, 2024 a group of almost 100 volunteers gathered at Kaimyo-in for a briefing before starting to pack daily necessities into bags that were to be delivered to households in the Macpherson area the next day.

This marks the third food distribution exercise conducted by Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist Association Singapore (NSBA) since the start of 2024, and the eighth run of its kind since the initiative first began in May 2022.
Over the course of the year, NSBA volunteers have packed and delivered daily essentials such as rice, canned food, cooking oil, toilet paper, laundry detergent etc., to over 300 households in need of assistance, within the Macpherson constituency in which NSBA is situated. The consistent effort demonstrated the strong commitment of NSBA, to contribute and lend support to the community in which it belongs.

After the briefing, groups of packers, checkers and movers aged between 7 and 65 got to their respective stations set up on the grounds of Kaimyo-in to do their part in bagging the items. Working as a team, the group completed the task within an hour. The next morning, volunteers with cars gathered at Kaimyo-in, where the packages were loaded and driven to several locations in the Macpherson area. By noon, deliveries were made to a total of 92 households of various ethnicities and faiths.
“It was a very fulfilling weekend to be able to do a small part in helping those less fortunate than us. I was glad to be able to bring my young daughter along, so as to hopefully instil in her that deep sense of gratitude for our country and community that always motivates me to lend a hand whenever I can.”
—Working professional with daughter aged 8

NSBA is committed to serving the communities around us and will continue to conduct similar exercises going forward. If you are interested in joining us, please look out for recruitment notices that are regularly put up on Kaimyo-in’s bulletin boards, or contact us for further details.
Many exciting community outreach activities are in the pipeline. Do stay tuned and check out our website to find out more!
New to Nichiren Shoshu and interested to find out more? Do reach out to us here so we can assist you directly!