About Kaimyo-in

Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist Association (Singapore) was officially opened on 15th March 2008 by our 68th High Priest, Nichinyo Shonin, and at the same time, given the name Kofuzan Kaimyo-in. Situated in the eastern part of Singapore, Kaimyo-in is where believers in Singapore gather and carry out their faith and religious activities relating to Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, under the guidance of our Chief Priest, Reverend Shingaku Kato.

If you are new to our faith or visiting our homepage for the very first time, please accept our warmest welcome. With a strong and growing believership, many in Singapore and shores beyond have found solace and a deep sense of True Happiness by taking faith in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism.

To find out more about Kaimyo-in and our activities, please have a look at the following video, recounting key milestones in our growth over the past 15 years.

For an overview of Nichiren Shoshu, please visit the Head Temple Taisekiji official website.

New to Nichiren Shoshu and interested to find out more? Do reach out to us here so we can assist you directly!